Tulsa Ambassador Hotel: Luxury, History, and Revival
The word timeless evokes worth, history, and nostalgia. It’s a title earned, like the wisdom of the old. To be in its presence is to be transported to an era where the past was the present. People spoke differently, dressed in long-ago fashions, and listened to music that has since faded away. This was the time when Patrick Hurley had the vision to create the Ambassador Hotel in Tulsa. When he laid its cornerstones, President Herbert Hoover’s words echoed on the radio, foam rubber and Bingo were just invented, and the Great Depression had begun. Almost a century later, the Ambassador Hotel stands as a historic and luxurious landmark in Tulsa, offering guests a unique blend of past and present.
Take A Ride Into Haunted History
Ride Into Haunted History Explore the Spirits Just Outside the Senses Each year, as the heat from August becomes entangled into the coming fall, summer releases its clutches and fades away into a slow yet colorful death. And with its demise comes a new season that...
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher: Oklahoma’s Aerial Jewel
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher: Oklahoma's Aerial Jewel Welcome to Oklahoma, where the wind sweeps across the plains and nature flourishes in all its glory. In this vibrant state, we are fortunate to have a unique representative of our avian friends - the...
69 Years & The Spotlight Still Shines On
Tulsa's Spotlight Theatre Hosts Longest Running Production In the US The BeginningHistoryShow LongevitySpotlight Video provided by John D Beasley There is an aroma of the past as one walks into the small lobby at 1381 Riverside Drive in Tulsa. It's almost...
Black Sunday Storm Blowing At Woody Guthrie Center
What we see today in the Woody Guthrie Center stems from a seed planted all those years ago and then grown in the barren soil of Black Sunday…
Cherokee National Prison Museum Since 1875
There is a certain macabre romance that one feels when entering the Cherokee National Prison Museum. The museum is located in the heart of the Cherokee capital of Tahlequah and has stood there since 1875, continuing to function for the Indian Territory until 1898. The...
Dead Women Crossing
The following is based on actual events and may not be suitable for all age ranges. If you are easily scared or frightened please refrain from reading this true Oklahoma tale. At the turn of the twentieth century, the annual divorce rate for the United States stood at...
Short – Shall We Never Forget
Uniquelahoma honors all those who fought for freedom on D-Day this 74th Anniversary. C.L. Harmon Wouldn’t it be a remarkable event if 5,000 ships came to the rescue of people who were being oppressed? What if those ships were carrying 150,000 troops who were willing...
Larry Shaeffer’s Legacy Part 2: The Road To Success
Continuing from Larry Shaeffer's Legacy Part 1: In The Beginning, There Was Music. Some make history, while others preserve it. It is rare to find an individual that does both. It takes one who marries the past to the future and forms a union that introduces...
Larry Shaeffer’s Legacy Part 1: In The Beginning, There Was Music
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Due to the expanse of Larry Shaeffer’s career, we have opted to release this story in three posts. The first segment covers the beginning of his career and his rise to success. The middle and final parts will touch on his ownership of Cain’s...

What is Uniquelahoma?
Uniquelahoma is an online magazine showcasing what is unique, beautiful, and positive in Oklahoma. Started by…
Unique Quote
Everything in life and in this world moves. It is in some process of change. This is because change is the life blood of existence. And that blood flows continually in a a direction that is rarely the path of least resistance in order to push the most doors of growth open. As a result, it often seems we are not moving forward in life. But in actuality, our flow has just been slowed so we don’t miss seeing the many open doors that life has afforded us. – C.L. Harmon