When we spoke that first time in 2018, I knew Vernon and I would be friends. We shared an interest in music and the preservation of its nostalgic and historic value. This is not to mention that he is just a nice guy. In that first interview I mentioned that I was a...
Cole Tolle’s Fate-Driven Journey from the Farm to Nashville
From farm fields to the Nashville music scene, Cole Tolle’s journey showcases how fate, faith, and the love of songwriting can lead to unexpected opportunities and friendships. Discover how a 25-year-old musician transformed his life from electrician to aspiring songwriter, embracing risks and opportunities every step of the way.
Black Sunday Storm Blowing At Woody Guthrie Center
What we see today in the Woody Guthrie Center stems from a seed planted all those years ago and then grown in the barren soil of Black Sunday…
It’s Just Terrible…And You’re Going to Love It!
They’re terrible people! Just terrible! Okay, okay…maybe not terrible, but certainly bad. Well… not perhaps bad so much as just not very good. Alright…after some thought, they’re actually a decent bunch. Fine! They are funny and talented. There…I said it! But it’s not...
Miss Oklahoma 2020: The Making of a Fairy Tale
Miss Oklahoma Rags to Riches It’s a Cinderella story of sorts, a rags-to-on-her-way-to-riches story. The parallels between this driven young lady and the fabled Cinderella are uncanny, with one exception Mariah Jane Davis needs no Prince Charming to achieve the...
A View from the Outside Reveals the Purpose Inside
The Origin of the Outsiders House Museum 731 N. St. Louis Avenue. It's just an ordinary address of an old house in an old neighborhood that most people will never see and would pay no attention to it if they did see it. But to a few, it's a place of memory and...
Across the Board G.R. Carter is the Favorite
With a boyish charm and subtle humor coming across the cell waves, our conversation began with, “well that’s what people call me,” when I asked if I could call him G.R. I could imagine that being said with a slight inner chuckle. His politeness and gentle verbal...
Chuck Hoskin Jr.: Shaping the Future of the Cherokee Nation
Chuck Hoskin Jr.: A Legacy of Leadership and Vision Chuck Hoskin Jr. is a name shared across national airways concerning Cherokee and Native American affairs and locally, in the state of Oklahoma, a name associated with an exciting period of growth within the Cherokee...
Santa is Real! You Just Haven’t Met Him Yet
Santa is Real! You Just Haven’t Met Him YetCL Harmon, Lead Author, Osage Nation Member18 December 2018 co-published with Tulsa Lifestyle MagazineThe True Spirit of Christmas Is Closer Than You Might Think You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm...
Former Stomping Grounds of Leon Russell
Leon Russell & Opportunity Knox, Building a Legacy one landmark at a time. As she sat amid the hustle and bustle of the diner's morning breakfast rush sporting a red Church Studio tee and a slight sense of anxiety, I couldn't help but feel like I was sitting with...
Major Spice Company in Cleveland, Ok
Daddy Hinkle's, Adding Its Own Spice To Oklahoma Life CL spends some time with David of Daddy Hinkle's spice company based in Cleveland Oklahoma. CL Harmon, Lead Author, Osage Nation Member 28 September 2018 Now and then the expression ‘the spice of life’ gets tossed...
New Osage Casino Opens With a Winning Hand
New Osage Casino Opens With a Winning Hand CL Harmon, Lead Author, Osage Nation Member 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 *This is not a paid advertisement and we have received no compensation for the publication of this story. It’s an excitement like no other. The...
It Was A Hell Of A Bite
How A Mosquito Can Change Your Life CL HARMON The following story is one that I felt compelled to write for a couple of reasons. The first is simply because it’s an incredible story about surviving when all of the odds appear stacked in the opposite direction. The...
Who Says An Old Tiger Can’t Learn New Tricks
Who Says an Old Tiger Can't Learn New Tricks CL HARMON While listening to Wiley Oleson during our interview, I couldn’t help but think back to the first time I heard the band Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” from the big screen while Rocky Balboa was gearing up for the...
Forget Not From Whence You Came: How One Oklahoman Gave Us Back Our History
How One Oklahoman Gave Us Back Our History CL HARMON History Lesson I have this vivid memory while in junior high school of sitting in a classroom with other students my age and feeling the boredom in that room as being suffocating. Or maybe I was hoping that someone...
Colin Warde Follows His Yellow Brick Road: Oklahoma and The Film Industry
Colin Warde and The Film Industry in Oklahoma CL Harmon Have you ever wondered what it's like to work on a movie set and in the showbiz field? I have, and so I asked someone who knows, a native Oklahoman who is a big part of the still small, yet growing film-making...
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words, A Thousand Pictures Tell of a Legacy
A Thousand Pictures Tell of a Legacy Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly know that this person is going to be your friend? There is just something about them that you connect with…as though you already knew them on a deeper level. I...
Happy Mother’s Day Mom
Happy Mother's Day Mom CL HARMON Uniquelahoma is primarily about unique and special people, ones who make the state a better place. This week, I thought I would write about the most unique and special person I know. She goes by many names to different people, but I...
Dale Lewis Follows The Roads To Discovery
Dale Lewis Follows The Road to Discovery CL HARMON Individuality is one of the most abundant resources in Oklahoma. This is not to say that individuality isn’t prevalent in other places as well. But Oklahoma seems to have it almost oozing from the soil itself…much...
Kelly B. Todd: Helping Children One Session At A Time
Kelly B. Todd: Helping Children One Session At A Time CL HARMON If necessity is the mother of invention then need must be the father of charity. Across the globe, there are organizations whose purpose is to help those who may not otherwise be able to receive...

What is Uniquelahoma?
Uniquelahoma is an online magazine showcasing what is unique, beautiful, and positive in Oklahoma. Started by…
Unique Quote
Everything in life and in this world moves. It is in some process of change. This is because change is the life blood of existence. And that blood flows continually in a a direction that is rarely the path of least resistance in order to push the most doors of growth open. As a result, it often seems we are not moving forward in life. But in actuality, our flow has just been slowed so we don’t miss seeing the many open doors that life has afforded us. – C.L. Harmon